Boost Your Kids’ Grades with a DIY “Homework Haven.”
After school, kids need a break from work to relax, play, and eat a nutritious (or not-so-nutritious) snack. Eventually, though, it’s time for homework. With some American students being sent home with upwards of 18 hours of homework each week, it’s easy to understand why some kids struggle to complete their assignments. Studies show that students, from kindergarten through college, benefit tremendously from having a designated homework space. By turning a nook, corner, or room in your home into a dedicated schoolwork zone, you give your students a leg up in their education. Keep reading for tips on how to create a perfect “homework haven.”
1. Create a Space That Fits Your Child
Just like adults, kids stay more alert and focused when working at a desk. Working at a desk that isn’t a comfortable fit, though, can be just as detrimental as working in bed or on the couch. When creating your homework haven, make sure to outfit it with a comfortable desk and chair that works ergonomically for your child’s size. Because kids grow so much each year, consider an adjustable desk that can grow with them.
2. Shine a Light on the Subject
When it comes to creating a homework space, good lighting is key. But that doesn’t mean that brighter is always better. Studies show that cool light improves focus and academic performance. For students who are primarily reading and writing without computers, use a 40 to 60-watt light bulb. If your child works on a computer, a 60-watt light bulb is ideal. Detail-oriented tasks like arts and crafts require a brighter 60 to 80-watt light bulb.
3. Decorate with Purpose
As you set out to decorate your child’s homework haven, make sure to include them in the process. This will empower them to take pride in the space and the work they do in it. With a sense of ownership, they’ll be more likely to stay organized and clean. Incorporate function into your decor to make organization easier and more enjoyable. Choose a color scheme that boosts learning. Blue is believed to increase productivity, reds and oranges improve attentiveness, while yellow enhances concentration.
4. Block Out Distractions
Make sure you set up your child’s homework haven to reduce distractions, especially from noise. Make sure their space is removed from more active areas of the home. You can also consider including sound-dampening wall and ceiling panels. Make sure your child’s desk faces away from windows. If your child struggles with attention difficulties, making a partially enclosed nook for their desk provides extra help to keep them on track.
5. Make a Help Desk
When parents are involved in their children’s homework, it promotes better retention and learning habits as well as providing an opportunity for building stronger bonds. Include a “help desk” in or near your child’s homework haven, so that you’re available to answer questions, work through problem solving, and otherwise support them. The “help desk” doesn’t need to be a literal desk. Have your child help you choose a comfortable accent chair or poof to become your designated zone in their space.
Give Your Haven a Lift with House Lift
If you want to add or enhance a homework room in your house, the remodeling and addition pros at House Lift can help. From the first consultation through design and completion of your House Lift will support and enhance your vision. With years of experience bringing out the best in Twin Cities homes, House Lift has done their homework to make your home work. Learn more at
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