Sustainable or Green Remodeling, Explained
When you make your home more environmentally friendly through green design and construction, you reduce the cost of operating your home by conserving energy and water, while saving on energy systems and appliance maintenance. You also create a healthier environment for your family and your pets. Sustainable home construction involves more than choosing greener building materials. For homeowners who wish to reduce their carbon footprints, here is a brief look at what you can expect as you start the green building process. What is a green home? A green home is designed, constructed, and operated in ways that reduce or eliminate negative environmental impacts. A green home can even have a positive effect on the climate and natural environment. Green buildings preserve natural resources and improve the quality of our lives. Building green is a commitment to the five pillars of green building: energy, health, materials, water, and place. What are the attributes of a green home? Green home design considers the quality of life of the home’s occupants in the construction, and operation of the home. In a green home, energy, water, and other utilities and resources are used to maximum efficiency. Green homes often use renewable energy sources,...